How to Choose the Best Cloud Service Provider?

Cloud Storage

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With all the vagueness in cloud services, it's vital to figure out what you're exactly getting your business into. Without your being aware of it or making an unapprised decision to go into it, you may already be utilizing cloud computing. For instance, if you are using Gmail, Facebook, YouTube, Dropbox, or other similar applications you're indirectly using the cloud. 

Some of the features of Blomp cloud computing apparent in these applications include:

  • You get to access them from a web-based interface whenever you want, from anywhere.
  • Your data is stretched out to locations you haven’t got physical access to.
  • You accrue negligibly or zero start-up costs and no capital investment.
  • Your capacity to customize the service is limited.
  • You can set up the application with absolute ease even without support from internal IT.

This is fine for non-critical data be it of personal or business nature. However, if you see opportunities to utilize the cloud for critical business requirements, then you should know full well what you're getting. 

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Following are a few questions that need to be answered to your satisfaction when you choose the the Blomp cloud computing company to serve your purpose.

  • What measurements would be implemented to assure you that, you are getting the service you are paying for? These will form a part of your SLA (service level agreement) and include all the points like transaction response times, data protection and speed of data recovery, etc.
  • To what level is your data privacy secured? Under what conditions will your data be accessed by government agencies even without your consent?
  • Is the 

cloud computing provider fully familiar with your industry, that they are heedful of applicable regulations and can guarantee you of compliance requirements?

  • Where is your data actually residing? What will happen when your contract with the service provider ends? How do you ensure that no copies of your data remain with the provider?
  • Do you wish to retain the vital intellectual property under your control? You will have to decide what goes into the cloud and what remains internal.
  • Will you be able to secure the expected cost savings, flexibility, and scalability of cloud computing services?

The Bottom line

Cloud computing provides for many new opportunities, but they are accompanied by some challenges. In order to, make your venture into the cloud as smooth as possible spend a little time on meticulous planning and choosing the right cloud services, which will provide your business with the boost it is looking for to, stay on top of the competition. Truth be told, in the fast-paced world, that we live in nowadays, a business demands to have not only a robust business structure but also a robust IT infrastructure. Without it, business owners are prone to accruing huge losses, which is why they use of cloud services has become a necessity for businesses all over the world. Overall, for companies with in-house IT services, cloud services can work miracles.